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Build & Install Lava Binaries

🔍 Overview

Lava has three binaries which fulfill different functions:

  • lavad - consensus mechanisms, node running, genesis files, key creation / management

  • lavap - protocol services, rpcconsumer, rpcprovider, badge server

  • lavavisor - automated rpcprovider & rpcconsumer initialization and updating / synchronization of lavap

📋 Prerequisites

Operating System 💾

Lava is designed to run on *nix style operating systems. While running in other setups is possible, it is generally discouraged as it may produce unexpected behavior.

Go 📇

Lava requires go version 1.20.3 or greater. Run go version to confirm your version.

Get the latest release!

Packages 📦

The following packages are known dependencies of the install process:

make gcc jq unzip coreutils git

🗄️ Installation Options

Enter the following commands:

git clone
cd lava
make install-all

✅ Run lavad version && lavap version to ensure you've gotten the latest releases!

Install a Specific Binary 🔧

Select between lavad, lavap, and lavavisor and enter the following:

git clone
cd lava
LAVA_BINARY=<name-of-binary> make install

✅ Run <name-of-binary> --help to ensure it installed properly.

Build all Binaries Locally 🗜️

Enter the following commands:

git clone
cd lava
make build-all

📁 You will now have all three binaries (lavad,lavap,lavavisor) in ./build/

✅ Run lavad version && lavap version to ensure you've gotten the latest releases!

Build a Specific Binary Locally 🔨

Select between lavad, lavap, and lavavisor and enter the following:

git clone
cd lava
LAVA_BINARY=<name-of-binary> make build

📁 You will now have the binary of your choice in ./build/