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Running a Agoric RPC Node

Requirements 📄


Users may experience issues when attempting to run instructions using versions >= 18.19.0 of Node.js. Node versions >=18.19 introduce a breaking change to AgoricSDK, and are not currently supported.

There are notable minimum hardware requirements in order to run a Agoric RPC Nodes:

4-Cores x86_64 CPU
High Performance/NVMe SSD (w/ ~6 GB+/month for Full Node or ~12 GB+/month for Archive)
1 GBPS up/down

To get started with your node, be sure that you have Go 1.20.2 or higher installed.

Install & Run AgoricSDK 📥

After you've gotten your requirements together you can proceed to installing!

📦 Get Required Packages

sudo apt -qy install curl git jq lz4 build-essential nodejs=16.* yarn

💾 Get the Agoric software

Run the following install script:

# clone the repo
git clone -b <GIT-BRANCH>
cd agoric-sdk

# Install and build Agoric Javascript packages
yarn install
yarn build

# Install and build Agoric Cosmos SDK support
(cd packages/cosmic-swingset && make)

You'll need to select a <GIT_BRANCH> to use. You can see the latest branch here.

🛠️ Configure your node

Configuration involves a few steps:

# First, get the network config for the current network.
curl > chain.json
# Set chain name to the correct value
chainName=`jq -r .chainName < chain.json`
# Confirm value: should be something like agoricdev-N.
echo $chainName
# Replace <your_moniker> with the public name of your node.
# NOTE: The `--home` flag (or `AG_CHAIN_COSMOS_HOME` environment variable) determines where the chain state is stored.
# By default, this is `$HOME/.agoric`.
agd init --chain-id $chainName <your_moniker>

🔧 Adjust your Config

# Set peers variable to the correct value
peers=$(jq '.peers | join(",")' < chain.json)
# Set seeds variable to the correct value.
seeds=$(jq '.seeds | join(",")' < chain.json)
# Confirm values, each should be something like "[email protected]:26656,..."
echo $peers
echo $seeds
# Fix `Error: failed to parse log level`
sed -i.bak 's/^log_level/# log_level/' $HOME/.agoric/config/config.toml
# Replace the seeds and persistent_peers values
sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = $seeds/; s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = $peers/" $HOME/.agoric/config/config.toml

⏳ Sync Your Node

agd start --log_level=warn

If you want or need to use a genesis file - be aware that this includes additional steps. The official Agoric mainnet genesis file is available here:

🔬 Check the Status of your Sync

agd status | jq .SyncInfo

Once you have fully synced, you're good to go.

Setup your Provider on Lava Network 🌋

To set up your provider on the Lava Network, you can refer to the provider setup documentation available elsewhere in our docs. This should provide you with the necessary information to configure and operate your provider node.