Koii x Lava
Get RPCGet access to Lava's Web3 APIs and start building on the network with ease
⚙️ Supported APIs ⚙️
Specification 📑
Protocols 🔗
Platform | jsonrpc/http | jsonrpc/wss |
Gateway | ✅ | ✅ |
SDK | ✅ |
Methods 🛠️
⌨️ Command:
lavad q spec show-chain-info KOIIT
📋 List :
- getAccountInfo
- getBalance
- getBlock
- getBlockHeight
- getBlockProduction
- getBlockCommitment
- getBlocks
- getBlocksWithLimit
- getBlockTime
- getClusterNodes
- getEpochInfo
- getEpochSchedule
- getFeeForMessage
- getFirstAvailableBlock
- getGenesisHash
- getHealth
- getHighestSnapshotSlot
- getIdentity
- getInflationGovernor
- getInflationRate
- getInflationReward
- getLargestAccounts
- getLatestBlockhash
- getLeaderSchedule
- getMaxRetransmitSlot
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption
- getMultipleAccounts
- getProgramAccounts
- getRecentPerformanceSamples
- getRecentPrioritizationFees
- getSignaturesForAddress
- getSignatureStatuses
- getSlot
- getSlotLeader
- getSlotLeaders
- getStakeActivation
- getStakeMinimumDelegation
- getSupply
- getTokenAccountBalance
- getTokenAccountsByDelegate
- getTokenAccountsByOwner
- getTokenLargestAccounts
- getTokenSupply
- getTransaction
- getTransactionCount
- getVersion
- getVoteAccounts
- isBlockhashValid
- minimumLedgerSlot
- requestAirdrop
- sendTransaction
- simulateTransaction
- getConfirmedBlock
- getConfirmedBlocks
- getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit
- getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2
- getConfirmedTransaction
- getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash
- getFeeRateGovernor
- getFees
- getRecentBlockhash
- getSnapshotSlot