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Join mainnet - Manual setup with Cosmovisor


  1. Verify hardware requirements are met
  2. Install package dependencies
    • Note: You may need to run as sudo
    • Required packages installation
      ### Packages installations
      sudo apt update # in case of permissions error, try running with sudo
      sudo apt install -y unzip logrotate git jq lz4 sed wget curl coreutils systemd
      # Create the temp dir for the installation
      temp_folder=$(mktemp -d) && cd $temp_folder
    • Go installation
      ### Configurations
      # Download GO
      wget -q $go_package_url
      # Unpack the GO installation file
      sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf $go_package_file_name
      # Environment adjustments
      echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >>~/.profile
      echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >>~/.profile
      source ~/.profile
    • Installation verifications
      1. You can verify the installed go version by running: go version
      2. The command go env GOPATH should include $HOME/go If not, then, export GOPATH=$HOME/go
      3. PATH should include $HOME/go/bin To verify PATH, run echo $PATH

1. Set up the Lava node

The following sections will describe how to install Cosmovisor for automating the upgrades process.

Set up Cosmovisor

  • Set up cosmovisor to ensure any future upgrades happen flawlessly. To install Cosmovisor:

    go install[email protected]
    # Create the Cosmovisor folder and copy config files to it
    export lava_home_folder="$HOME/.lava"
    mkdir -p $lava_home_folder/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/
    # Download the genesis binary
    wget -O $lava_home_folder/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/lavad ""
    chmod +x $lava_home_folder/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/lavad
    # Set the environment variables
    echo "# Setup Cosmovisor" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export DAEMON_NAME=lavad" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export CHAIN_ID=lava-mainnet-1" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export DAEMON_HOME=$lava_home_folder" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=true" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export DAEMON_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE=512" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE=true" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP=true" >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
    # Initialize the chain
    $lava_home_folder/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/lavad init \
    my-node \
    --chain-id lava-mainnet-1 \
    --home $lava_home_folder
    Please note that cosmovisor will throw an error ⚠️ This is ok. The following error will be thrown, lstat /home/ubuntu/.lava/cosmovisor/current/upgrade-info.json: no such file or directory
    cosmovisor version

    Create the Cosmovisor systemd unit file

    echo "[Unit]
    Description=Cosmovisor daemon
    ExecStart=${HOME}/go/bin/cosmovisor start --home=$lava_home_folder
    " > cosmovisor.service

    sudo mv cosmovisor.service /lib/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service

Download the genesis file

  • Set the genesis file in the configuration folder

    curl -Ls > $lava_home_folder/config/genesis.json
  • Set up configuration files

    # Assuming lava is installed in it's default folder
    # Determine OS
    case "$(uname)" in
    SED_INLINE="-i ''" ;;
    SED_INLINE="-i" ;;
    echo "unknown system: $(uname)"
    exit 1 ;;

    # Edit config.toml file
    sed $SED_INLINE \
    -e 's|^timeout_propose =.*|timeout_propose = "10s"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_propose_delta =.*|timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_prevote =.*|timeout_prevote = "1s"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_prevote_delta =.*|timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_precommit =.*|timeout_precommit = "500ms"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_precommit_delta =.*|timeout_precommit_delta = "1s"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_commit =.*|timeout_commit = "15s"|' \
    -e 's|^create_empty_blocks =.*|create_empty_blocks = true|' \
    -e 's|^create_empty_blocks_interval =.*|create_empty_blocks_interval = "15s"|' \
    -e 's|^timeout_broadcast_tx_commit =.*|timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "151s"|' \
    -e 's|^skip_timeout_commit =.*|skip_timeout_commit = false|' \

    # Edit app.toml file
    sed $SED_INLINE \
    -e 's|^pruning = .*|pruning = "nothing"|' \
    -e "s|enable = .*|enable = true|" \
    -e 's|^minimum-gas-prices = .*|minimum-gas-prices = "0.000000001ulava"|' \
  • Configure external seeds

    SEEDS=",[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26666,,[email protected]:11156,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26649,[email protected]:26656"

    sed -i -e "s|^seeds *=.*|seeds = \"$SEEDS\"|" $lava_home_folder/config/config.toml

State-Sync to latest Lava snapshot with KSYNC (recommended)

You can state-sync to the latest available Lava state-sync snapshot archived by the KYVE Network with the CLI tool KSYNC. To start you have to install the latest Lava binary version, you can find the latest ones here: You can install the latest Lava binary already in the correct Cosmosvisor upgrade directory and update the symlink current to the latest version. Verify it by running: ./cosmovisor run version.

Next install KSYNC, if go1.22 is installed you can directly install it with:

go install

You can also build it from source:

git clone [email protected]:KYVENetwork/ksync.git
cd ksync
git checkout tags/vx.x.x -b vx.x.x
make build
cp build/ksync ~/go/bin/ksync

After KSYNC has been successfully installed and verified with ksync version you can state-sync to the latest available state-sync snapshot with the following command:

ksync state-sync --binary /path/to/lavad --chain-id kaon-1 -r

If you have installed the latest lava binary in cosmovisor you can also point the binary to cosmovisor:

ksync state-sync --binary /path/to/cosmovisor --chain-id kaon-1 -r

This will take around one minute, after that you can continue to p2p sync from the snapshot height. You can find the archived state-sync snapshots here detailed documentation regarding KSYNC here.

Finally, configure the Cosmovisor service to run on boot, and start it

# Enable the cosmovisor service so that it will start automatically when the system boots
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor.service
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
sudo systemctl start cosmovisor

Block-Sync from genesis up to live height for full and archival node (optional)

You can skip this section if you have state-synced to live height already.

If you want to perform a full sync from genesis up to live height in order to operate a full or even an archival Lava node you can block-sync all blocks which have been permanently archived by KYVE with KSYNC, very similar to the state-sync section above. To continue, make sure that KSYNC is installed, the installation steps are explained above and in the official KSYNC documentation.

Next install all Lava upgrades in cosmovisor, the full version history can be found here. If KSYNC should perform all the upgrades automatically you need to have a systemd process configured which automatically restarts KSYNC after an upgrade was executed, below you can find a template:

Description=KSYNC deamon supervising the ksync sync process

ExecStart=$HOME/ksync block-sync --binary="/path/to/cosmovisor" --chain-id="kaon-1" -y


Please replace the user and the path to your cosmovisor with your actual values. You can now reload the systemctl daemon:

sudo -S systemctl daemon-reload

and enable KSYNC as a service:

sudo -S systemctl enable ksync

You can now start KSYNC by executing:

sudo systemctl start ksync

Make sure to check that the service is running by executing:

sudo journalctl -u ksync -f

You can find another detailed example on how to sync from genesis with KSYNC here.

Enable and start the Cosmovisor service

  • Configure the Cosmovisor service to run on boot, and start it
    # Enable the cosmovisor service so that it will start automatically when the system boots
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor.service
    sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
    sudo systemctl start cosmovisor

3. Verify

Verify cosmovisor setup

Make sure cosmovisor is running by checking the state of the cosmovisor service:

  • Check the status of the service

    sudo systemctl status cosmovisor
  • To view the service logs - to escape, hit CTRL+C

    sudo journalctl -u cosmovisor -f

Verify node status

Note the location of lavad now exists under cosmovisor path:

# Check if the node is currently in the process of catching up
$HOME/.lava/cosmovisor/current/bin/lavad status | jq .SyncInfo.catching_up

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